Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Be brave

A comment was left on my last post about bravery.  It brought to my mind what my mom used to say to me when she would go into the hospital. The back story is that she was diabetic when she had my older sister and I. My mom lost function in one kidney when she was pregnant with my sister and I took care of the other one. She was in and out of the hospital and had a kidney transplant when I was three-ish.

I used to lose my mind when she would be hospitalized, thinking that I wouldn't see her again. I would cry and cry, she would pull me close and tell me to be brave.  It always struck a chord with me. I don't remember much of her, but I do remember she never showed me how scared she was.

Compared to what she went through, this is small peanuts (imho). If she can be brave, so can I. So can all of us.


  1. There is always something to be said about courage and bravery. It's interesting how many different definitions of it we seem to have and how it changes depending on the situation. Your mom was amazing and i haven't even met her. You are brave, your obstacle course through infertility not withstanding. You are here, you give the rest of us hope and support whenever we need it. Your mom passed her bravery on to you. You wear it without even knowing that you do. We love you Beth.

  2. You're welcome. Always here for you, don't forget that. <3

  3. Mummy was (and still is) the bravest person I've ever known.

    I think you were actually around 5 because I was 13. I remember both of us leaving school early to go to Gramma's.

    You ARE brave...just the strong silent type.

  4. I have to remind myself to pick up my bravery with my purse and keys. Every. Day. :)

    1. I love that! Bravery: don't leave home without it.

    2. Oooh, I love this...will have to remember that one :)
