Saturday, February 11, 2012

the 2-ish week wait

I have been basted, as of 1030 this morning.  I feel like we've done everything that we can to make this happen.  I responded well to the mindfuck drug and my husband gave the best deposit the doctor's seen in years.  Husband's just an overachiever, what can I say? For my fertile readers, a good deposit is made up of a good volume know... and healthy sperm. 

I've been resting most of the day because I've been really crampy.  This hasn't happened after the previous IUIs, so I'm not sure what's going on. I know my doctor inserted the 177 million swimmers a little higher in my uterus and to the right because that's where the biggest eggs were.  I felt the tube in my uterus.  It was...umm..different.  If we don't get a baby out of this I'm getting really, really drunk on cycle day 1.  Just forewarning everyone. 

Now if I can just make it through the next 2-ish weeks, I'll be good.  Ovidrel seems to speed up my cycle, so my period usually arrives on day 10 or so.  Joy.

I finally had time to do our taxes and we're getting a $1500 tax refund!  Today has been  a good day!


  1. Yes for being basted and double yes on the tax refund!! Take it easy, hoping the cramping is a good thing. Come on, swimmers!

  2. Yes!!!!! Sounds like a good day!

  3. I had a dream last night that you got pregnant. -m

  4. Heh... Totally picturing a turkey baster.
