Thursday, February 16, 2012

My very own meme

I pronounce this meeeeeem, not mem (as in memory).  Meeeeeeem sounds better to my ears.  So we go...

Here are the rules: 
1 - Post the rules
2 - Post 12 things about yourself
3 - Answer the 12 questions from the person who tagged you.
4 - Create 12 new questions for the people you tag. 
5 - Tag 12 people and link them to your post.
6 - Let them know that you tagged them.

1. Who are your favorite bloggers?
So many!!  Hands down hilarious is Rachel @ Eggs in a row.  I really wish I could be that funny and clever, but alas. Laura at the adventures of an infertile myrtle is someone that I can hear in my own head, which is awesome.
 2. What tip(s) would you give a beginning blogger?
 Take nothing personal.  I used to get a little hurt that my blog wasn't being viewed, but then I realized I'm a small chicken.  Don't take any comment personal either.  People mean well, they just don't always understand your struggles.  I don't think very hard about what I write.  I just sort of go with it. My blog is my brain dump.

3. What is your occupation and what is your favorite part of that occupation?
I work in the IT field and I get to fix things. My favorite part is also the worst part...people. 

4. What do you like to do in your spare time?
 I movies.  I attempt working out, but I'm a fat chick with a badonkadonk that I'm self conscious of.  I'm talkin' ghetto booty here, people.  I dabble in baking, also. I make killer cakes and cookies.  I do alright at cheesecakes, but breads intimidate me.

 5. What are the top 5 sites you visit on the Internet?
Dr. Google, Facebook (which will be my demise),  reddit, MLS home listings for my area, and Cnn (politics junkie)

6. What is your favorite vacation place and why?
 Anything beachy, really.  Living in Florida, we have lots of beaches.  Being near the water, swimming and laying in the sun are some of my favorite things during the summer.  I can spend all day outside and turn brown within 12 hours.  

7. What is your favorite subject to blog about? And how do you come up with ideas to blog about?
Mostly I blog about how stupid my ovaries are and how they mess up my life, but that gets old.  I like blogging about funny stories, if I can, and share recipes.   I come with ideas for blogs mostly from my own life, but other blogs will give me ideas.

8. Tell us one unique fact about yourself:
 I read almost everything from right to left before I read left to right.  I don't know why I read backwards.  

9. What is your favorite book(s) of all time and why?
 Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore.  OMG, y'all, it's great.  If you're particularly religious, I wouldn't recommend it for you though.

10. What is your favorite food?
Hmm...I love pasta, namely spaghetti and meatballs.  I make a mean meatball.

11. What are your favorite movie(s) of all time and why?
My Cousin Vinny...fav of all time.  I like anything that I can laugh at, but Lisa's biological clock is tickin like THIS!  And so is mine! My childhood best friend and I used to watch this every day and I'd be willing to bet we can recite every single line.

12. What will you do if you can't have a baby? 
Adopt.  We'll definitely adopt.  A friend actually suggested we scour the local high schools for teenage moms-to-be.  Creeper much! 

I'm not sure that I'm familiar with 12 blogs, but I'll give it a shot. 

1.  Laura at The adventures of an infertile myrtle 
2. Scarlett at Baby Bump Envy 
3.  Infertile625 at Hidden Infertility 
4.  Infertilemyrtle at My secret world of infertility 

.........and uh, yeah, that's all I've got.  Everyone else I know has been tagged.   Do I have like...10 years bad luck or something?


  1. "meeeeem" is the correct pronunciation, so you got it right, hon.

    I do think you're a bit "off base" when you describe yourself as "a fat chick." I see you as quite petite and very pretty.

    But the step-weezy is an old geezer, so who cares what he thinks.

  2. Well thank you, step-weezy. *blush*
