Monday, February 6, 2012

The Egg Hunt

I just took my last Gonal F (aka the mindfuck drug).  Thank the powers that be.  That drug has messed with my brain so much.  I was in Tar.get yesterday, saw baby bathing suits and sniffled my way through the store.  Then I stopped in the beer and wine aisle to get something for my husband and I nearly lost it.  The only thing that kept me together was thinking that I would look like an alcoholic if I sat down and sobbed in front of the Yellow Tail.  Instead I cried on the cashier when she carded me and told me I looked good for 30.  Talk about awkward moments.

Apparently I'm at risk for triplets or some other multiple because I have at the very least 4 good eggs.  I'll know tomorrow morning if I have any more that are good lookin.   Darlings, I just want to get pregnant and stay pregnant.  I don't care if it's with one or three.  I really don't think I'd reduce if I managed to incubate multiples.  One step at a time, though. Let's get pregnant first.

Current side effects from Gonal F include cramps, super low low energy, mood swings and today's special addition, dizziness.  We were supposed to go see a movie, but I couldn't sit up, so it turned into a lazy day. 

My husband is holding up well from all the side effects.  We've only fought once and I'm positive it was his fault.  :)


  1. You crack me up! I lost it on a Target cashier once when she asked how far along I was while purchasing a onesie for a friend...can't an infertile with a pooch just buy some baby stuff?! Hope you get some good news tomorrow!

  2. I wish I was as witty as you!! You are hilarious!! Update us on your appointment tomorrow!
