Friday, February 10, 2012

Things that make me lose my mind (and pet peeves)

I've been trying to post about something that doesn't have to do with infertility.  No babies, pregnancy tests, miscarriages, uteri (the plural form of uterus in my world), ovaries or eggs.  This chick need a little break from all that.  So, in the interest of not losing my mind, I'm posting about things that FREAK me out.  The list is in no particular order.

  • Elevators.  I have this unnatural fear of getting stuck in one and it falling.  A word to the wise, if you visit St. Luke's Hospital (aka the Mayo Clinic) in Jacksonville, the elevators are crazy awful.  I held on to my husband's arm and dug my nails in.  They're all jerky and stuff.
  • Snakes.  No shoulders, no love.  'Nuff said.
  • Birds.  They carry germs and make weird noises.  By birds I mean anything with wings. Note:  My uncle has chickens and we see them regularly.  They're nice chickens.  I just think they'd be nicer with special seasoning and dipped in buttermilk and flour.  Just sayin.
  • If someone (ie my husband) moves my deodorant.  It's kept in the bathroom, by my hair stuff and if I can't find it...  Well, let's just say hell hath no fury like a woman wrapped in a towel at 7am.  It's just my thing.  He will occasionally move it to mess with me, that jackass.
  • I hate it when people don't use napkins that are provided with their meal.  Instead, they just suck off whatever food is on their grubby finger.  So gross.
  • My husband taps his foot on the bed constantly.  He's always in some type of motion. I can't stand the tap tap tap tap at midnight.  JUST SIT STILL!!
  • I'm obsessed with what time it is.  I always have to know.  It will drive me crazy if I can't find out.
I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my brand of crazy.  Here's to ovulating!

1 comment:

  1. LOL...I call plurus uterus' uteri also. DH has taken to calling it a uter-me until I am with child...then it's a uterus :)
