Saturday, February 4, 2012

How things are going so far....

Stimming so far is ok.  I'm having interesting mood swings, hot flashes, nightmares, and cramps.  Fun!  I gave myself a shot on Thursday...can I get a high five?

The ultrasound showed 4 follicles on my right ovary and 3 on my left. Two were 12 milimeters and a couple others were 10. My doctor wants them at 18 for the IUI.  I have more Gonal this evening and on Monday with another check on Tuesday. I can hardly wait.

So far the best mood swing was on Thursday morning. Husband worked half a day and I cried all morning. I felt bad that he had to work and it snowballed. I feel like my emotions are cranked up to a full 10 and very unlike myself.

This hormone business is for the birds.


  1. Oh the mood swings....not fun! Sounds like your ultrasound was promising and way to go on the shot! I hope you can hang in there til Tuesday. Hugs!

  2. Glad to hear you have some egg-lings that are coming along nicely. Crazy what that stuff does to your moods!!

  3. Thanks guys! I feel like I'm going a little cccccrazy!!
