Sunday, February 2, 2014


This is how I feel about the superb owl (not a typo, watch Colbert).  The Stee.lers. aren't playing, so who really cares about these expansion teams?  I do like Sea.ttle's colors better, so maybe I'll root for them.  Woo.  Go team.  Get a hole in one.

I've been a little down in the dumps lately.  Lupron wasn't a big deal to begin with, but low and behold, dizziness hit, then really bad tummy cramps.  Oy.  The drive to work is interesting.  Maybe I can blame my grumpiness on the lupron?  Whatever, I'm doing it anyway. 

It seems like everyone is having a baby right now.  I was in the grocery store, gathering feminine supplies because I thought, hey Jess said she bled on lupron, so I'm prolly gonna bleed...I digress.  Anyway, so I'm gathering said supplies which happen to be right next to the pregnancy tests (why is it that way) and there's this chick wringing her hands over which to get.  Helpful me points her to the kind that say it in clear, blue letters.  Easily readable, you know what I mean.  So she starts in about how she just turned 25, has been married for a year and trying for 6 months with no luck.  It's taking forever, she says.  In my head, I say you have no idea what forever is.  Try for seven years then come at me.  Out loud, though, I reassure her it's within normal range.  She grabs her test and leaves.  Whatever.  Six months.  Please, child.  Puhleeze.

One of our bff's keeps telling me to be excited.  He sounds like a excited.  Yeah.  I'm trying, it's just tough.  I keep trying to visualize myself and Husband with a baby (positive visualization, right).  I can almost see it, but it's blurry.  Like I can't quite focus enough to make it happen.  How can I be excited about this when all I know is loss?  I guess you gotta go on faith.  I have to find that shoebox full of faith, it's all covered with cobwebs.

Until next time, computer friends.  Here's to better moods.  Xoxo


  1. I wish I had something to lift you up. But I got nada! I'm in a pretty shitty place right now myself. I blame clomid. There haven't been any pregnancy announcements lately. I'm thinking there a' comin'. Chin up! (How's that for effort?) ;)

    1. A for effort! Aaand I'm spotting. Shit. Balls and shit.

    2. :( All sucky! I hate those comments from basically teens who just got married and just started trying! I am sorry about the bleeding, but I am glad you are prepared. I hope things brighten up! Your miracle might be just a few weeks away!!!

    3. Silver linings, my dear. Thanks for the heads up, I would've freaked out.

  2. Oh those comments. Just do the fake smile and roll ur eyes when they're gone.

    1. Right! The response in my head is like 'I hope your baby is born with a flat head.' Kidding. Just kidding...Maybe.
