Monday, February 17, 2014

It's go time

Sorry for the late post, it's been a busy day.  Tonight is my trigger, then at 745 on Wednesday I am no longer EasterBeth,  I'm anxious/nervous/excited/ready to get this over and done.  I'm over the daily shots of burning medication, the daily visits with the doctors.  As much as I like the practice, I like sleeping in a little bit more.  I'm totally over being poked and prodded, and if I'm judging from the bruises, my veins are too.  Ugg.  They counted nine follicles today, but on Saturday they counted 16.  The doctor this morning was quick, so I'm pretty sure she didn't measure all of them.  I even had a few follicles measuring in the 20s, so hopefully those will be the golden eggs.  Get it?  Golden...eggs.  HA!

Husband got me a couple of charms for my pand.ora like bracelet for V-Day.  One says dream and the other is a cat-totally appropriate.  I put the dream charm on a necklace the other day since I was feeling down about STILL having to stim. It's serving as a reminder to keep my eye on the prize during my anxiety attacks.  Other than that, we really didn't do anything for Valentine's.  It's a hall.mark holiday, we don't see the need to tell each other we love each other ESPECIALLY on one day.  We show each other our love every day of the year, I don't need flowers to express that (I'm allergic anyway.......and so is Mara).

Ever since my uncle died in August, I've been super clingy to Husband.  I'm having a bit of anxiety because he can't be in the room with me during retrieval, he's my security blanket.  If I think about this logically, the process will take all of 20 minutes and I know the doctor that's going to be doing it.  As soon as I fall asleep, it'll be time to wake up.  And I can't even wrap my  mind around the fact that this might actually work....that within three weeks I could actually be pregnant.  Mind.  Blown.  But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, k? 

Tomorrow is signing some final paperwork and the last bit of blood work to make sure the trigger shot is working.  I'll try to blog after retrieval, but no promises that it'll make sense.  I leave you with our usual ending, a cat.  See you guys on the flip side.  Xoxo


  1. So exciting! You're gonna do great!!!

  2. Eeep! How time flies! I agree with the whole V-Day thing. We have never made it a big deal except when we first started dating. FX that this is it for you.
