Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Moving along

I'm feeling much more like myself.  It took a few days for me to get out the Lupron funk, but I crawled out and am muddling through this cycle.  Tomorrow I'll start menopur and gonal f.  Any tips for menopur?  Keep in mind I'll be giving it to myself at 6am.  Joy.  My E2 was nice and low, ovaries nice and quiet with only small follicles.  Doctor R said my numbers were coming in right where the textbooks say they should.  Umm....thanks?

There are many baby happenings in my world right now.  One has just been born to a high school friend, two co workers are about to have babies, and my cousin just recently announced number three.  I'm happy for them, it's just...well, you know.  I'm feeling rather lapped at the moment.  It seems like I do ok for awhile and then people go and drink that baby water, and BAM.! I'm reminded that I'm as barren as the day is long.  Sigh.  Hopefully our baby is not too far away. 

On a brighter note, Husband's Taco was named the best Mexican restaurant in the area.  He gets a plaque and everything!!  So super proud.  If you're in the area...why aren't you eating there?  Like now?

Anyhow, not much else to report.  I was drowning my sorrows in chocolate (don't judge) the other night and opened this: 

Even my chocolate comforts me!

Until next time, my friends.  Xoxo


  1. Mmmmm chocolate! My menopur tip is to inject slooooow. It will burn, but that usually helps. Yay for being textbook? :)

    1. Will do! It's amazing how the doctors leave out the fact that it burns. How's Ruby?

    2. Girlfriend is content for the time being....4cm and 70% effaced, so I'm planning on walking, walking, walking today!

  2. No advise. I usually just do it and make this little run to my bed and by the time I would get there the burning pain was over. Maybe ice it?

  3. Hoping you've got the hang of things and all is going well. I felt like a pro after just a few days...
