Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday with Mara

*Apologies for the late Mara post.  The day has been crazy.

I may or may not have mentioned that Mara is a completely food driven cat.  I think probably holds true for most animals, but this girl is crazy when it comes to food.  The only thing she likes better is warm laundry.  But break out a roasted chicken, pork loin, or sour cream and she leaps over tall buildings and does dishes when it's not her turn to get to them.  Ok, so I'm personifying, but she really did try to steal an entire pork loin off of the stove once.  We caught her trying to figure out how to get down.  Poor cat, she doesn't have thumbs, so she couldn't sort it out.  Last new years eve, we all went out to set off fireworks.  We came back in to find that Mara had not only pulled down the box of spicy chicken wings, but somehow opened it and was well into her third one.  Yes, she had really bad gas the next day.

She's so cute when she sleeps

Like most cats, she has a love of dairy but dairy does not love her back.  Before Husband worked at The Taco, we used make tacos at the apartment fairly regularly.  Sour cream was always included.  We used to leave the sour cream uncovered on the counter, just in case someone needed extra while we were eating.  The very last time we did that, we found Mara neck deep in the container, just chowing down.  We yell at her, she digs in deeper.  We pick her up, and this is what we find:

Ermagerd, DAIRY!

She was having a crazy, lip smacking good time.  It's a poor picture, but you can kinda see it's up above her eyes and everything.  Her poor lips were swollen due to an ulcer, but she's much better now (this was taken a two years ago).

Until next time......MEOW!

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