Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday with Mara

Mara when she was a baby

You may think that Mara has no friends.'d be right.  She doesn't.  She just enough of a bitch to most, and sweet to a very select few that people don't like her.  Like really don't like her.  Mara has territorial issues, but that's a whole other story.

What Mara lacks in pals, we have made up for her in siblings.  Like I've said in the past, Mara is HBIC in this house.  She tells the other cats what to do, where to walk, and when to eat.  Below is a rare, peaceful moment of coexistence. 

Left to right: Mara, Jaina, Obi, and Aayla


  1. look at all those kitties! I've had 3 tortoise shell kitties in my life and all 3 of them were horribly mean and dominate. They loved who they loved and that was all. She's lucky to have you!

    1. She is insane! The vet told us she was going to have a lot of cattitude.. They weren't lying!

  2. She may be my kitty's long lost sister (though they look nothing alike). I always say that Bailey likes us...and hates every other living being. :)

    1. She has a thing for sweaty men. Makes no sense!
