Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday with Mara

Have I told you about Mara's love for heights?  She likes them any way she can get them- bookshelves, the half wall through our house, the kitchen cabinets, top of the fridge...even doors.

Exhibit A: Just chillin on the guest bathroom door

Exhibit B:  Napping on the cabinets in our old apartment

 Exhibit C: Practicing her acrocatic skills on top of the stools in the apartment while I clean

These are the things you deal with when you have cats.  Life could be worse!  Until next week, Mara bids you Meow!


  1. Haha...Bailey also loves the tops of our cabinets. She hasn't figured out doors yet! That is too funny!

    1. Mara is short bus special, that's for sure!
