Sunday, January 8, 2012

T-Minus 48 hours or something like that

My appointment with Dr. R draws ever closer.  I'm getting kind of anxious (understatement).  I can't remember all the questions I want to ask him because I don't write them all down.  I usually carry a little notebook for list making in my purse(yes, I'm that person), but it's been MIA.  It says Hope on the front of it.  If any of my coworkers have seen it, can you let me know?  Kthanx.  What if the questions are something that's super important, that could change this whole course?  I'm psyching myself out.  Breathe, just breathe.  In and out.  In and out.

In other news, Mr. Weezy and I had a nice weekend.  We had dinner with his step dad and his mother on Thursday, saw them at our monthly poker night last night and breakfast this morning.  We only get to see them about every 6 months or so, and it was a good visit, but sadly we all lost at poker.  Sad pandas.  Mr. Weezy got an awesome picture of him with his brother and father that was taken when he was little.  It was nice to see his dad's face again, definitely a sight for sore eyeballs.

So I took some medication in front of a friend this weekend and she's all "Isn't that Metformin?"  Yeah, and a prenatal vitamin.  I need it to ovulate.  She then launched into this whole lecture about how I can cure my PCOS by diet and by magic I'll have a baby.  Yes, sweet pea, a good diet does help the disorder along with weight loss.  Did you miss the last few years that have entailed losing 50 pounds and changing my diet?  Obviously so.  Seriously guys, unless you have M.D. behind your name, don't give me medical advice. I've researched my issues and have been dealing with them for almost 5 years.  Everyone has a mother's-brother's-cousin's-aunt's-uncle's-sister's-father's-neighbor's-friend that couldn't have a baby. Then that person relaxed (that's quickly becoming my least favorite word), or gave up and surprise!  They're pregnant!  Thanks, really.  I'm not that person, though.

Also, someone posted this link in my comments earlier this week, under the post before this.  I do appreciate the input. I read the article and it definitely gave me a different insight to this infertility business, but I'm also not accepting that I'll never have children (I consider adopting having children.  Just because they don't grow in you, doesn't mean they aren't your baby).  Also, living child-free is not an option for me.  Ever.  I keep saying I'll either hatch a baby or buy a baby, and that's true.  I'll get a baby, one way or the other.  Since I have enabled anonymous comments, I don't know who you were, but thank you. I mean it.  <3

I leave you on a sad note.  I'm a die hard Pittsburgh Steelers fan and they lost to the Broncos tonight.  What many of you don't know is that I live in a divided house.  That means that while I'm a Steelers fan, my husband likes anyone that beats them.  He's the worst kind of fan...a fair weather fan.  Anyway.  I'm sure he'll be gloating his way around the house when he gets home from Casa de Noodle.  Fellow Steelers fans, please email your sympathies.  *tear*

1 comment:

  1. yeahh.. like, that link was me. I thought it was helpful, especially since there are lots of comments at the bottom with a lot of ppls points of view. I thought it was cool to see the situation from a lot of different people's angles. -m
