Saturday, January 21, 2012


I'm not obsessing...maybe a little.  Ok, let's be honest, a lot.  Since I found out some of my meds may not be covered under my insurance, that puts us in a new ball game with this IVF stuff.  We'll have to make a choice between getting a house (which my husband wants) and doing IVF (which is what I want).  Don't get me wrong, husband wants the baby too, but he doesn't want to put off getting a house any longer.  I get that, but it's not even a question for me...IVF and baby win every time.  I know, IVF's not 100% successful and I have this last IUI left (and hey, that may work.  I'm just looking at that as my 11:59 miracle).  How do we come to an agreement?  I have the rest of my life to get a house, but a limited window to have a baby.

I'm scared that we'll never get a house, but I'm more afraid of never having a baby.  I'm afraid of bankrupting us over the possibility of children, when my reality is four cats and a husband.  I'm scared that my not-here-yet IUI won't work and we'll have absolutely no choice. 

Two co-workers have announced that their wives are having babies.  That's so exciting.  For them. Woo-effing-hoo.

If I go by the calendar I'm due for my period on Tuesday, the day after my husband's birthday  As I know too well, my cycles run long and I'll expect it on Friday instead.  Let's get this show on the road, dammit.


  1. I understand your frustration with the money aspect. It SUCKS!! It also seems like the men would rather be financially responsible rather than having something that will change your life for the better aka a baby. Why is it that us women are willing to bankrupt ourselves in order to have a child?


    1. We love to make things complicated!! Always!

    2. Both arguments make a very good point. The clock is ticking on having a baby, but you still have a little time left. It's an terrible position to be put in, especially because we have to rely on health insurance in this country so heavily and they pick and choose what they can and will cover. In some cases, they choose our fates. i worry about you stressing yourself out so much over this. That can't be healthy either. :(
