Friday, January 27, 2012

Back in stirrups again

I spent $340 on infertility medication today.  Can I get a holy shit?  Yeah.  Holy shit.  I just want to give a big shout out to my insurance for not covering any Gonal F dosage and for having the Ovidrel be more expensive with insurance rather than self pay.  Holler.  I know that $340 is small potatoes to some of you, and I'm sorry to whine about it, but damn!  $340 on some injections to stimulate my retarded fabulous ovaries!!  They're supposed to work in the first damn place!  Anyhow, the ultrasound went well, so we're off to the races.

Monday was Husband's birthday.  It was ehhh, we both had to work and he closed that night at Casa de Noodle.  We celebrated on Monday with family and he was so happy.  The part of family we went out with had just gotten back from Vegas, so he got to talk poker with his uncle, mostly uninterrupted.  Good times for him and I got to visit with cousin and aunt.  Good times had by all.  He also got his favorite items on Monday: chicken salad and mocha cake.  Mocha cake is a family tradition for every birthday. I promise I'll give y'all the recipe soon.  I just have to find a good picture of the finished project.

In other news, my AC was all wonky last night, plus the toilet in the "master" bath was all drippy.  You ask me why I'm running my AC in January?  We live in Florida and Husband is a polar bear.  It was 80 some degrees yesterday and tomorrow it's going to be 74.  I feel bad for all of you snowed in and dealing with freezing temps because I did that when I was younger.  But right now, with being on my period and staring down the face of Femara, Gonal F and Ovidrel, a girl needs her air conditioner. 

Coming up next week we have staycation.  Yes, it includes a couple of ultrasounds to monitor my sexy less than great ovaries, but it also includes a trip to Ikea, poker night, possibly a trip to Epcot, the Tool concert for Husband and maybe a trip to the beach.  Busy week, but good times. I'll be getting my hair did during that time and possibly posting a pic of the finished project. Our closet needs some serious organization. It is on the verge of an avalanche, I kidd you not.

I've also joined Twitter, mostly for blogging purposes.  If you would like to follow me, my name thing is BWeezy0414.  I'm not particularly active on there yet. I'm still getting most of my audience from Facespace.

Until next time, my computer friends.  Hang tough.

PS~ How the eff do you use the Gonal F pen?  I need a little help.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh!! Stupid fertility meds not being covered! I'm in the same boat, but probably will be in the $2,000 range. It makes me want to puke! That is like a vacation right there. Enjoy your staycation and I have no clue how to use the Gonal F pen, but I'll be looking at you for directions when it is my turn!
