Sunday, January 15, 2012

I have a confession

I'm a lurker.  I read many other infertility blogs, but rarely comment.  I think the main reason I never comment is because I don't feel like I can contribute to the conversation.  I'm starting to come out of my shell.  I've decloaked on a couple of blogs and have gotten good reception. I just feel like I'm saying 'hi, I've read your blog for 5 months, I know about your cycles and I'm commenting about your interest in Pinterest' or something.  I'm not a normal human being.  I know this.  Do I have lurkers?  I'm not sure.  I think most of my audience is my family and friends.  If you're lurking, please please please feel free to un-lurk. 

In other news, I found out my Follistim may not be covered under my insurance.  With my medical insurance, I have coverage for 3 IUIs and 3 IVFs in my lifetime, so why it wouldn't be covered is a mystery to me.  We do have coverage for our prescriptions through a different carrier (do most companies do this now?) so I'm thinking that may be why.  If none of the drugs are going to be covered, I may have to make some hard decisions.  It's slightly infuriating that I may have to choose (chose?  I can never remember which one is the right spelling) between a house or a baby.  Obviously, a baby would win, but dammit.  Maybe we should wait, get a house, borrow against that and then go all IVF?  I don't know what to do.  I do know that I'll be working overtime for the foreseeable future.  This is such a crappy thing to complain about when others I know have zero coverage for infertility.

I also ovulated this past week. The only reason that's of note is because it HURT.  It was so painful, I couldn't make any magic happen, so I'll be expecting the period in two weeks time.  At least I know to expect it, right?  Right.  Sigh.

I'm going to go drown my sorrows in a cup of broccoli and cheese soup.


  1. I always read, but, don't comment simply because I don't know enough about what you're going through to warrant a comment. And I'm not sure that you'll even welcome a comment from me.

    That being said, I'm sending all the good thoughts/wishes/prayers/mojo I can your way. If I can ever help, just let met know.

  2. Yip, I'm a lurker too. I care about you, so I do like to follow up on whats going on, but I, also, don't have much to add to the conversation.

    From now on, I will at least leave randomness.

    Today, I leave you with:


  3. As with Kathy, i'm not always sure what to say or how to respond. i was once on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from you, but i am completely grateful for my son. Halo addiction and all. i do understand how it feels to want something so badly it hurts, trying to get it and it doesn't happen. You are a wonderful person and i have no doubt you would make an even more wonderful mother. It's difficult to keep faith that it will happen when it feels as if your body keeps shutting the door on you. i haven't kept up with your blog as much as i should. i almost always have an opinion about everything. i'll put forth more of an effort to read and comment. :) You definitely deserve that after being patient with me whining about all kinds of stuff.

    Hang in there, i believe it will happen for you. <3

  4. Hey there! I've found that to get me out of my lurker state, I had to just start commenting on blogs I follow. I figured if I took time out of my day to read about somebody else's IF-filled day, the least I could do is let them know I was cheering on the sidelines. Those are usually my favorite comments, just sharing the love :)So, I've got my pom poms out for you too! And also...broccoli cheese soup. Mmmmmm.

  5. Just started following your blog recently...and am going back to your archives to catch up on things. Love your sense of humor :-) Will try and comment on future posts!

    1. Hi! Welcome, welcome, welcome! It's good to hear from you. Things have been kinda crazy recently, but they're working themselves out. All it takes is time :)
