Sunday, January 29, 2012

How the cats came home

My ovaries are stupid.  We know this.  Not EVERY post needs to be about those selfish little things.  As you may know, we have four cats:  Obi, Mara, Jaina and Aayla (you get bonus points if you can name each Star Wars story those names are from). They are my sweet little babies and they are spoiled rotten.  Look at my sweetlings and their bios, if you will.

Mr.  Obi-Wan Weezy
Obi is 6 and a half.  He's our only boy, which would make you think he's king of the house.  Ha.  His sisters run him around like nobody's business.  When he was a kitten, he was nearly impossible to lay a hand on if he wasn't sleeping.  Obi was literally a fur coat with razor blades.  He was a daddy's boy from the start, though.  Husband had Obi purring within minutes of meeting him. Oddly enough, Obi has sensed each of my miscarriages and wouldn't leave my side for days during each of them.  Obi's hobbies include chewing on plastic, turning down chicken and turkey, and sleeping on the bathroom counter (his favorite place).

Miss Mara Jade Weezy
Mara just turned 6 years old in December.  She is a British Tortie , which means she has cattitude for days.  She is the one that runs the house, naturally.  When Mara was a kitten she was very lovey and sweet, but we went away for our honeymoon, she became very territorial.  She likes her space. Mara also suffers from allergies.  Not the kind that make you sneeze, the kind that make you lose your fur and have hives.  So she's on a strict diet of rabbit and green pea food and whatever else she can steal.  Currently she's on cyclosporin, which is helping us manage her allergies.  Mara's habits include waking us at 7am to eat, ensuring that Obi gets enough exercise by chasing him around, and begging for food.  Her favorite foods to steal are chicken, doritos, sour cream (as you can see over her eye), and pickles-kosher dill, of course!

Jaina Leigh Weezy
 Jaina is about to turn 6 years old, I think.  I found her when I went out to get the mail one day and she was laying on sidewalk, tummy up, begging for love.  I was hooked immediately.  Husband took a little convincing, but once he touched her, he was done.  Jaina took awhile to come out of her shell, but all she wants is to snuggle and to be fed.  She is an angel all year, until the Christmas tree comes out.  I guess the outside cat in her still loves to climb.  Jaina's hobbies include making biscuits in your lap, snuggling as close as possible to you, and chasing her tail.

Aayla Hampton Weezy
 Aayla is our baby at only 2 years old.  She was found at a bed and breakfast in north Florida on a very cold Christmas by our aunt and uncle.  Uncle was allergic, I loved Aayla (who was Hampton at that point), so home she came.  She is a very happy girl, purring and usually looking for mischief with Mara.  She spends every night sleeping curled up on me and that was interesting to get used to.  Now I don't sleep well without her.  Aayla's hobbies include running Obi around with Mara, opening drawers she can curl up in them, and chasing the fake little rats until they're under the couch. All of them.

So those are my kiddens.  I am NOT the crazy cat lady, I was married when I got them all.  That some how justifies it, yes?

1 comment:

  1. Adorable kitties. This line cracked me up: "Jaina's hobbies include making biscuits in your lap" :)
