Thursday, December 29, 2011

I'm pissed

So if you're in a good mood, this may not be the post for you. You may want to sit this one out.  As I was telling someone that my niece was born earlier this week, I heard someone say "see what happens when you relax?"  No.  I don't see what happens when I relax, you asshat.  I see that my sister in law and brother in law had a beautiful baby girl. 

Really?  Really, people.  You don't think that in the last four and a half years that I haven't "relaxed" or "just had fun" and "didn't think about it".  You don't think I've tried all that?  Has it occurred to anyone that infertility is a medical condition?  That's right-a medical condition.  One that has to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.   If anyone tells me to stand on my head after sex, I will punch you, I mean it.

What is the point of telling an infertile to relax?  Tell me.  Because I've been pregnant three times, only to experience heartbreak every single time.  Forgive me if I have a little PTSD after three D&Cs, a tumor removal, then another surgery to remove scar tissue from my previous surgeries.   That whole 'your time will come' thing is annoying too.  My time has come and gone and I hope it comes back around. 

*sigh*  I need a break from too. I'm tired of seeing babies, parents, sonograms, announcements....pretty much anything that's related to a baby that is not mine.  If you need to find me, you can find me here.  If you need updates, come here. I will not be available on that torture device called

Now.  Someone bring me my wine and cheesecake.


  1. AMEN TIMES ONE HUNDRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. It annoys me seeing everyone and their kids on FB. Makes me feel distant from them. After all, the friends I once knew were single and we all went out and had fun together. Now everyone is married and with kids and I feel that they have totally changed. I feel so out of touch. -m
