Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm sweating, how about you?

First of all, it's hot as balls here in Florida.  I can only imagine what the summer's going to be like.  This is how I spend the months of May-October:
  • Hurry to the car, blast AC the whole drive
  • Find a good parking space.  A good space is designated by shade.  
  • Hurry inside, repeat the procedure when leaving.
  • Hurry from the apartment, to the pool.  Dunk myself immediately, swim for a bit.
  • Lay out as long as I can stand it, then go dunk again.
  • Hydrate.  Never underestimate the value of water.
Husband and I met with a lawyer today concerning my sister's estate.  Things seem to be turning out well, it's nice to get confirmation that I'm handling things the proper way. 

The lawyer happens to be an old family friend. She knew my husband and his brother when they were teenagers and she happens to specialize in estates and probates.  She's super cool.  She also knows non profit agencies and lawyers that specialize in international adoption.  Drool.  DROOL!  I've already purchased some books about international adoption, but OMG, I'm so excited!  We're not ready yet to go completely in, but it was like a light went off in my head and I heard a big fat yesssssssssssssssssssssss.  I'm going to research it more before I give my final say, but I think this may be the direction we decide to go in.  What do y'all think?

Husband's yuck was in the shop today.  It apparently has a cracked hose, which is leaking coolant.  I was honestly hoping it was the kiss of death.  His yuck (truck) is old.  It's gross.  So what else did we do?  We went looking at cars.  All I'm sayin is that I like Mazda 3s.  They're fun, sporty little cars and I can zip right around in them.  Alas, we're getting the damn hose replaced.  No new car for me.  .

Tomorrow is my pool day!! 


  1. I like the idea of international adoption; I think it is pretty amazing. It is something I have been interested in since before we even started trying to have kids. I am also interested in adopting medically fragile kids (either here in the US or internationally) as there are so many in need of homes. Also my husband and I have experience in education and healthcare, and therefore I feel like we are uniquely qualified to meet their needs. Can't wait to see what you decide and where your journey takes you!

    1. You're definitely uniquely qualified! Adoption's always appealed to me. When I was small, I used to ask my mom to adopt a little brother for me, but she was too sick.

  2. I almost started crying for you! Maybe because yesterday was the first day off provera so I am totally emotionally fragile today. But I'm so happy for you and your exciting journey prospect! This may be our path in life too so I'm sure I will pick your brain soon! XOXO good luck to you!

    1. Don't cry, no tears! How's your father in law?

  3. Awesome news about everything! Well, maybe not the hot as balls weather...I think international adoption is an amazing thing to look into! I'm excited to see what you learn about the whole process and even better to have a connection!

    Boo about getting the hose replaced. I often dream of new car shopping even though we've got a while til that's a reality! Mazda 3's ARE zippy...one of my besties has one.

    Have a great pool day! I'm jealous, but the thought of putting a bathing suit on knocks the green right outta me, haha!

    1. Pool day was a bust! It was cloudy and it ended up being cycle day 2, which for me equals cramps and bloating. Like I NEED to be reminded of the fact that I have three stomachs. Ok, not really, but I don't need to feel fat!

  4. Years ago my uncle & his wife adopted 2 korean girls. They were, I dunno 5 or 6 yrs old I guess when they were adopted. Anyway they were cute sweet little girls. Which is saying alot coming from me, the anti-kid person. :) Uh, do I get kicked off the blog now, like, for saying that? >.< But yeah. I liked them. They were cute. -m

    1. You'll never be kicked out, M! I <3 you too much, sweets!

  5. I'm so glad that you are moving on to adoption and educating yourself about it! You know what is best for you and your hubby and if adoption is it, then it is meant to be!

    It is getting hot here in Atlanta, but I love it!
