Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Picky picky

Husband and I go look at another batch of houses tomorrow. Looking for houses was so much more fun when I wasn't seriously looking. I'm really picky, not just about houses, everything. For example, I'm picky about how much sauce is on my pizza. If lettuce is hanging over the border of my crust, it is torn off and not eaten. You can imagine how house hunting is going.

In other news, one of my favorite bloggers has disappeared. I won't say why, its not my place. But if you're out there, Eggs, you are missed. Please come back soon.

Husband and I are going to take next week off from house hunting. His truck (yuck) needs to spend the day at the spa. I need to spend the day at the pool or beach.

Anyway, this is my update. I'm almost, not really, caught up on your blogs. This week, I promise. Pinky promise.


  1. When you know how much debt you're going in to buy a house, you have every right to be picky! Glad you're taking a hunting break- enjoy your time in the sun!

    And thank GOD I'm not the only one with the lettuce issue...I flip my lid over shredded lettuce :)

  2. Totally get the picky thing! I can't drink milk unless I shake it first & it has bubbles in it. No idea why. I just do. And I won't drink it out, unless it comes from a machine and not a carton b/c it has bubbles out of a machine. Yup, I got issues! Haha!

  3. Good luck house hunting! I wasn't so picky when we bought our current house. I'm sure I will be very difficult when we buy our next house...but when you go through fertility who has enough money to buy another house!

  4. Hey dude. You shouldn't eat lettuce on pizza. Blech. -m
