Sunday, March 2, 2014

The friend I never wanted to meet

OHSS.  I'll be damned, I thought I had it licked. I started feeling uncomfortable on Thursday, noticed a swollen belly yesterday and today it's even bigger. So hot. It hurts to lay down, sit up, stand up straight and the seatbelt on the drive home is uncomfortable.

My blogging bff Heidi likes a silver lining, so this one's for you.  The on call doctor said that if ohss appears this late in the game, I have a greater than 50% chance of being the p-word. Don't say it. Just think it.

Right now I'm downing fluids and will be seeing my RE tomorrow without a doubt. I'm stoked... Don't step in the puddle of sarcasm.

Until I can fit into regular pants again... Xoxo


  1. Sorry you are in pain.... Hoping that p-word is in your future!

  2. OHSS is such a horrible friend but I agree with your DR. Hope u start feeling better. Gotta keep those feet up.
