Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Word vomit and anxiety

Apologies for the additional silence. I've been struck with horrible morning sickness that has lasted all day, every day. Today was the first day that I've kept more than one meal down since Friday.  I'm very thankful for several doses of B6 and ginger ale. I've never had morning sickness before, maybe it's a good thing? I'm hopeful that it's under control now.

Other than that, things have been quiet over the last week. As far as I know, I'm still pregnant and things are trucking along. My ultrasound anxiety is slowly ratcheting up.  I'm genuinely afraid that something is going to be wrong. I'm afraid of not seeing MB in there, or the deafening silence of no heartbeat.  Someone talk me off this what if ledge,  I'm pretty far out there.  I feel like I won't be able to breathe until I know one way or the other.

See?  I'm freaking out. I'm going crazy. Husband tells me to trust the process, but it's hard when your body constantly fails you.  Ugg. I hate feeling this way.  Over the next 36 hours,  I vow to stay busy. Clean the the house, make dinner, take lots of naps.  Hell, I may even make cookies.... provided I don't vomit.


  1. Keep calm Mommy. Stress isn't good for MB. Find something that calms you. Bubble bath, light stroll, foot rub.

    1. Deep calm breaths. I could use a xanax. If only those were safe for pregnancy.

  2. You have all the signs of being pregnant. You are definitely making something in there! You will see something tomorrow. MB is there and waiting. Glad you are feeling better. Xoxo

  3. When the nasuea ratchets up try a long shower, either super hot, or cold, its called hydrotherapy. It will relax your body and may temp leesen the nausea.

  4. It is so hard in these first weeks and months. I remember so vividly, the anxiety. I don't know how to talk you off the ledge, but I sympathize. Sometimes all you can do is take it and hour, even a minute at a time. I can't wait to hear the update. Sending much calm your way!
