Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Life gave us lemons this month

I wish I could say it's been quiet in the world of Weezys, but alas, that would not be so.  My  aunt collapsed on Friday and is currently in the hospital.  Things got quite worse today, but I'm not going to go into details here.  Suffice it to say that things are very, very serious and I'm spending a lot of spare time at the hospital with our family.

I had my sister's mail forwarded to me, so her bills are beginning to roll in.  Fun, fun.  Due to the current situation, I haven't done any further research on adoption and I left my adoption book in my uncle's car.  This past Saturday was our five year anniversary and Sunday was my birthday, which we did not celebrate due our aunt being so ill.  Maybe eventually, but celebrating doesn't seem right at the moment.

Anyway, things are difficult right now and prayers are needed for Aunt G.  Thank you in advance.


  1. Lots of prayers being sent your way for you and Aunt G! I have missed your comments, and I am looking forward to your return. But take care of yourself and Aunt G for now!

  2. I'm so sorry about your Aunt G. My prayers are with you and your family.

  3. Damn the lemons! So sorry to hear about all of this...prayers to Aunt G and you, of course! Take care. XO

  4. Lots of prayers (and cupcakes) being sent your way! Happy Birthday! Not seeing you on here in a bit has worried me and I'm sorry to hear that things have been so tough. I hope things settle down soon and you get a much needed reprieve!

  5. Your in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs to you and your family.

  6. I saw a quote yesterday that made me think of you. "when life gives me lemons I say, 'where the eff is the Tequlia!'". Hope all is well. Thinking of you.
