Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time I love you!

I went to the mall yesterday for some shopping and the fertiles were out in force.  I saw more strollers, newborn babies, and pregnant women than my brain could comprehend.  I was strangely ok with it.  You may ask why...I'm about to tell you.

I'm taking the month of December off for couple of reasons. I don't want think about getting pregnant when other loved ones are having babies.  This time is about my family and I need to focus on that..  I also need to readjust my attitude with all of this. When I'm actually doing infertility (IF) treatments, I feel like I have a big I for Infertility on my forehead, like a scarlet letter.  Now that I'm taking time off, I feel normal.  I don't have swiss cheese brain like I've had for the last few months and I'm not as emotional, thankfully.  I've only done the two IUI's with Femara  (others may know it as Letrozole) and Ovidrel (the trigger shot that makes you ovulate), which is at the beginners stage of treatment. If the next one fails, it's on to IVF.  That's a whole other ballgame that scares me and I'm trying not to get ahead of myself.

I'm also toying with the idea of having a meeting with my doctor to regroup after the two failed IUIs.  Part of me wants to wait, but the other wants to readjust my plan.  I'm not sure though, I don't want to be that high maintenance patient that they hate.  Maybe I should wait until after the third IUI?  Feedback would be appreciated.

This is the first week that I haven't had to go to the doctor for ultrasounds to check on my retarded  awesome ovaries and it felt so strange.  Don't get me wrong, it was great to sleep in on my days off with my husband, Mr. AWeezey, but it just felt weird to not meet Mr. Wandy (internal ultrasound wand) this week.  I will enjoy the break and not send Mr. Wandy a card.  He gets enough action on his own!


  1. I'd go talk to the doc. Why not? You're payin him and need to review your action plan. Mr. Wandy? Sounds... stimulating? ;) -m

  2. Glad to hear you are taking a "break" this month. However if your anything like me it's almost impossible to completely escape the big IF. So sorry to hear about the failed attempts my heart breaks for you. I'm getting ready for my 1st iui cycle this month but I don't have high hopes for it. I want so bad to be excited that we are finally doing something about this horrible issue but I know the more excited I get the more it's gonna hurt when it dosent work. I think it's different with natural cycles cause I already expect it to fail even though there is always that little glimmer of hope in the back of my mind that maybe just mayb this might be the month. I'm so terrified that once we actually start treatment and it fails then its gonna sink in that this is for real. My insurance no longer covers anything now that I am in "treatment" and I dropped $500 today just for the 1st u/s and meds. (femera I believe it is) anyways my biggest fear is that since our funds are extremely limited I don't want to waste all this money when I could have used it towards Ivf with a higher success rate. Does your insurance cover ivf? If so I would definetly go ahead and talk with your doc about moving forward. It's scary I know but the chances are so much higher. I say I won't do more than 2 iuis but if it comes to needing ivf I honestly don't know how I would afford it. Don't ever worry about being too high maintenance that is their JOB! To get us preggo! U do what u feel is right. Have u guys actually been given a reason for your problem or are u under the lovely category unexplained?

  3. Ahh, you reminded me that I needed to give my whole story on here. Finally, finally I have that post up! I have PCOS, but other than that I'm healthy as a horse. And yes, my insurance covers 3 IUIs and 3 IVFs. I'm lucky, but it can still be a little pricey.

    I have hope for your IUI. You can do this! We can do this!
