Thursday, November 17, 2011

The 2 week wait...the second time around

We had our second IUI this morning.  During our first IUI, I was feeling a little tense and said to the doctor (not my normal one, another one in the practice) what a big catheter he had.  I was trying to make a joke, my husband got it, but the nurse and Dr. L didn't even awkward.  I told my doctor, Dr. R, about what happened and he laughed.  At least he gets me.  Anyway, things looked as good as they can and seeing Dr. R and his nurses was nice, considering I've seen ultrasound techs for the past month.  This is normal, but I like my doctor and his nurses a lot.  They get my sense of humor..what can I say?

Thanksgiving is one week away and I'm so looking forward to stuffing my face with yummy goodness.  My husband is a chef, so he cooks the turkey every year while his stepmother does the side dishes.  They're both awesome cooks and my mother in law makes the best mashed potatoes in the land.  My husband was kind enough to volunteer us to cook a Thanksgiving meal for his restaurant...I clearly have plenty to keep me busy over the next week!!  I'll just do a lot of Christmas shopping the second week...and try not to test (keyword being try).

I've been trying to focus on the positive things in my life.  I'm tired of being sad and focusing on what I don't have.  I should be thankful for everything that I do have.  Below is a list of all the things I'm thankful's in no particular order, of course.

I, BWeezy, am thankful for the following people, places, and things:
  • Insurance with infertility coverage!!
  • My husband, without him I am positive I would be going insane.
  • My family, both in laws and my side.  I'm not sure I could get through all of this without your support.
  • My four furbaby cats:  Obi, Mara, Jaina, and Aayla.  Their unconditional love and purrs keep me going...not to mention cleaning up cat puke.
  • My know who you are.  You pick me up every day when I'm falling apart.
  • Chocolate!
  • Saint Augustine...I love a good getaway with my husband!
That is my list of the things I'm thankful for...and love.  I really do love chocolate!

1 comment:

  1. You are such a strong person. You may not think you are, yet you keep on keepin on.

    “To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping.” -Chinese proverb

