Monday, June 18, 2012


Darlings, I have news.  Allow me to start out with the fact that Husband and I went to the beach last week, Tuesday-Thursday.  It was fantastic except I got the worst sunburn of my life.  Go ahead..say it...yes, I put on sunscreen.  Obviously, I did not reapply.  Thanks for pointing that out.  I'm peeling like a mofo now.  Is bad, guys.  Really bad and gross.

Anyway.  A fabulous time was had by all.  Husband was great about staying in the hotel room until the sun was behind the hotels and I could venture out on the second and third days.  Y'all, I'm pretty sure I had sun poisoning.  I was swollen to the point where I couldn't put wedding rings on and I felt like I had the flu minus the sore throat and congestion.  Have I mentioned that Husband was great?  He put aloe on me and got me food.  Not once did he say 'why didn't you reapply?'  He only asked if I had to puke (I did). 

I also got to see one of my oldest and best friends on Thursday evening.  I powered thru the sun poisoning just to see him and his girlfriend.  I've known D since we were 15.  We know each other so well and it was nice to see our friendship hadn't changed over the last (oh god) 16 years.  I also got caught up on the news from our old crew in ATL (you know who you are), which was much needed.  I need a trip home soon.  I miss my ATL.

Finally, the big news.  I received the autopsy report for my sister today.  She officially died from a septic infection from an intraoral abscess.  Huh?  I guess things were worse than I thought.  I feel like if I had talked to her the weekend before, maybe I could've convinced her to see a doctor and get it treated.  Am I wrong?  Part of me thinks she wouldn't have been honest about the situation with me, but the other part thinks I could have (should have) done something.  Husband says me talking to her wouldn't have made a difference.  Maybe he's right.  It's interesting how one can blame things on themselves with woulda coulda and shoulda.  I feel like I dropped the ball on my end. 

So that's where we're at.  Wowza.  How are y'all?


  1. It is hard to not go over those events over and over in your mind, trying to re-work them. I am glad you finally got some answers though! I think it is always better to know than to be in the dark. I got a sunburn this weekend, and now I have a rash along with the sunburn...what the heck!? I also didn't reapply. I am sure we have learned our lesson :)

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon. I have had many a sunburn (even with reapplication) and the bestb part is peeling off the long strips of dead skin! Intraoral abscess, huh? Wow. Dying from a tooth infection is pretty hard these days. If she was stubborn enough to ignore the pain I don't think your suggesting that she see a doctor or dentist would have had much impact. Don't play the coulda-shoulda-woulda game. You never win and all it does is suck energy from today. Love you bunches and let's Skype soon! E

  3. Oh gosh the sunburn sounds horrible! But what a darling husband you have and a smart one too for not asking why didn't you reapply. I'm glad you got to see some old friends, those are some of the best kinds to have. I am happy that you got some answers from the autopsy but please don't blame yourself. It just never turns out good and you always lose.

  4. I'm glad you had a fun getaway, but BOO on the sunburn! Mine and my mom's worst sunburns have been courtesy of Florida :) I hope you're feeling better soon. I saw on Pinterest where someone put aloe in ice cube trays and froze it...genius! (Although that helps the burn, but not the sun poisoning part.) Glad you got some answers about your sister. Please know you did all you could. XOXO

  5. Just dropping by looking for IF blogs... ;)

    I get a sunburn like that every other summer, mostly because I'm practically see-through and fairly certain I'm a vampire. Swelling, rash, fever, starting-to-see-a-tunnel-full-of-light, the whole bit. Glad the husband was patient with you!
