Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Almost made it through

Have I mentioned that I'm really great at denial?  My personal opinion is that it should be an Olympic sport, just so I can have a gold medal. I digress...

My annual exam was today. with my regular OB/GYN.  Computer friends, you know what this means.  Yes.  The room was full of pregnant ladies and their kiddos.  I was ok at the beginning, handling everything (by squeezing my husband's hand to the point of no circulation, but who's judging).  Then this lady walked in with a newborn right as I was called back and I start to have a mini-meltdown.  The nurse thought I was crazy and left me with my husband to sort me out in my paper gown.  She was a new nurse, but I'm pretty sure the word infertile is in my chart and it wouldn't have hurt to actually read it.  Anyway, I start to tear up and what does my husband do?  He gives me a foot massage to distract me whilst I sit there sniffling in my paper gown.  It was the best foot massage I've ever had.  Be jealous, ladies.  Be jealous. 

My doctor actually asked if I wanted anything for birth control.  HA!  What's the point, man?  The likelihood of me getting pregnant (not to mention staying pregnant) seems to be as likely as angels flying out of a horse's ass.  Just sayin.

So after all that, my husband took me to get some wine.  He knows me so well. 


  1. Damn those moments in public where your eyes start to burn!! Sorry that happened. Foot rub and wine? A+, hubby, A+.

  2. Well at least this story has a happy ending. Wine and a foot rub....Ahhh sounds like heaven! Obviously you can't avoid the pregnant ladies and people with tiny babies at the OB/GYN, but I swear they follow us around! Thinking of you!

  3. What an awesome hubby! The worst experience I had at my regular ob/gyn was the day we were going in to get our referrel to an RE and a girl (a pregnant girl and 4 years younger than me) was there and asked if we were pregnant. Yea that stung, a lot. But once again yay for your hubby for being awesome!

  4. Yay sweet husband!! Foot rub at the doctors? He is the best! Newborns are the worst;) Instant waterworks for me most of the time. I would have been right there with you tearing up! Hugs to you both!!
