Friday, June 13, 2014

We learned....

.....Jack shit.  We had our follow up appointment with Dr. R to go over blood work, tissue and HSC results.  Tissue samples from the HSC (thing involving the camera up the uterus) were normal. Blood work was normal, meaning no genetic issue on my or Husband's part.  MB's tissue results........yeah, MB didn't grow.  Like at all.  What does this mean?  Means we have no idea why I'm a spontaneous aborter and why MB decided to kick the bucket.  Glorious...fucking amazing. 

I'm sorry, I need a break from all this serious stuff....

I never knew it was broken!    
So where does that leave us?  Well, we're back at the beginning.  I'm starting birth control at the end of the month and I'll be on it for a total of two cycles.  The goal is to get my estrogen nice and low, start Lupron during the second cycle to suppress the ovaries.  I'll be monitored and start some estrogen ramping up drugs (I forget the name, I'm not really a good patient) to build up my lining so the next passenger snuggles in for a awhile (hopefully 40 weeks).  FETs are all about building the lining.  I'll only have to do three shots instead of the 45,687 shots that an IVF cycle takes.  Thankfully, there's no stimulation, which means a lot less of crazy Beth to go around.  Fine. By. Me.

We decided to take the risk and transfer two embryos, instead of one.  There are a few possible outcomes with this:
  1. Both embryos survive thawing and are transferred and implant, thus increasing the risk of twins by 40%
  2. One embryo survives the great thaw, transfer, and implants
  3. Both embryos are transferred and don't implant
  4. Neither embryo survives the thaw and we're back at square one (You are here X)
Husband is all about twins, while my thought process is more along the lines of 'Please let's just get one out of this.'  It's kind of sad, my file is the size of a large book.  Dr. R made the comment that  it's time for a successful pregnancy.  No shit, man. No shit.

Until next time, my loves.  Xoxo




  1. TWINS!! Now that would be interesting! looking forward to more updates. thinking of you guys daily. :) After everything though.....imagine TWINS. :o

    1. You would have to move down here to help. You and YiaYia

  2. That's how I felt when they told us everything came back normal. We just have to have faith and try again. FETs are definitely easier on the body but of those Lupron shots!! GL!

    1. At least it's better than menopur. Less sting.

  3. Sending positive thoughts your way.

  4. I'm not above bribery and since I'm your friend .... I'm here commenting :)

    Having no answers is so frustrating but I'm really hoping that it was shitty luck and your FET works and you guys are blessed with one or two (hahaha) healthy babies. B - I really hope with all my heart. XOXO

  5. Two mini you's? Sounds amazing! Hang in there!!

  6. It's so frustrating not to get any answers! I'm glad you are continuing to more forward and your plan for the FET sounds great! I'm hoping for 2 great thaws and implantations! Sending you positive thoughts and prayers!

  7. I'm so sorry. I hate it when there are no answers. I don't know if you would be interested but looking up Karen Pace with Conceivable Solutions online helped me get the answers I was searching for. Of course I still don't have my take-home baby yet but just getting possible answers for why this never words makes me feel better. Even if I never get to be pregnant and stay that way for 40 weeks. Prayers of comfort for you.
