Sunday, April 6, 2014


Several people have emailed or texted me to see how I'm doing.  I say I'm fine, but really I'm barely holding it together.  It's difficult being back at the beginning, right where I was seven years ago. A miscarriage, a surgery, no baby.  I feel like we've made zero progress.

People have asked why I chose to go with the D&C so quickly. Because multiple ultrasounds and waiting would have been torture. I wanted Dr. R to be able to get fetal tissue for genetic testing, which he did. In a couple of weeks we'll have those results and maybe a new plan. My only fear is that he'll come back with news that my body will always kill our babies and he can't help. Is that irrational? It doesn't feel like it.

Husband has been amazingly supportive. We are both sad and angry. I cry a lot, but I try not to cry around him. It's not that I can't lean on him, I just don't want to overwhelm him. Our anniversary is on the 14th and my birthday is on the 15th. I hate that we'll be fresh from losing MB.  I feel like I ruined our anniversary with miscarriage number four.

So that's where I am...Just surviving.  Tomorrow I'm going to start calling around to find a therapist. I'm smart enough to know I can't get through this shit on my own this time.

Before I end this, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the support. From my husband, our family, our friends and from perfect strangers. This is hard, but having such support makes it a tiny bit easier. We love you guys.


  1. You need to do what is right for you and Andrew....when you are ready you friends and family will be more than happy to hear from you. As always if either of you need anything and you think I can help please let me know...the answer is YES all I need to know is the question...

  2. Oh you don't know how much this makes my heart hurt. I know words sometimes can't mend the pain ur feeling right now. Just know we are here for you. Hoping that ur results give u a better insight on what's going on.

  3. Sending you a hug from afar. Praying for you daily.

  4. We love you too. I'm glad you are seeking out someone to help you through this. hugs to you my dear

  5. Hi, I'm new to your blog and came over after seeing Heidi's post. I just wanted to say you are not alone and there are even perfect strangers, like me, out there who are keeping you in thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know there are no words that can really help but I hope you and your husband can find some peace. Sending hugs to you.
