Monday, June 18, 2012


Darlings, I have news.  Allow me to start out with the fact that Husband and I went to the beach last week, Tuesday-Thursday.  It was fantastic except I got the worst sunburn of my life.  Go ahead..say it...yes, I put on sunscreen.  Obviously, I did not reapply.  Thanks for pointing that out.  I'm peeling like a mofo now.  Is bad, guys.  Really bad and gross.

Anyway.  A fabulous time was had by all.  Husband was great about staying in the hotel room until the sun was behind the hotels and I could venture out on the second and third days.  Y'all, I'm pretty sure I had sun poisoning.  I was swollen to the point where I couldn't put wedding rings on and I felt like I had the flu minus the sore throat and congestion.  Have I mentioned that Husband was great?  He put aloe on me and got me food.  Not once did he say 'why didn't you reapply?'  He only asked if I had to puke (I did). 

I also got to see one of my oldest and best friends on Thursday evening.  I powered thru the sun poisoning just to see him and his girlfriend.  I've known D since we were 15.  We know each other so well and it was nice to see our friendship hadn't changed over the last (oh god) 16 years.  I also got caught up on the news from our old crew in ATL (you know who you are), which was much needed.  I need a trip home soon.  I miss my ATL.

Finally, the big news.  I received the autopsy report for my sister today.  She officially died from a septic infection from an intraoral abscess.  Huh?  I guess things were worse than I thought.  I feel like if I had talked to her the weekend before, maybe I could've convinced her to see a doctor and get it treated.  Am I wrong?  Part of me thinks she wouldn't have been honest about the situation with me, but the other part thinks I could have (should have) done something.  Husband says me talking to her wouldn't have made a difference.  Maybe he's right.  It's interesting how one can blame things on themselves with woulda coulda and shoulda.  I feel like I dropped the ball on my end. 

So that's where we're at.  Wowza.  How are y'all?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Almost made it through

Have I mentioned that I'm really great at denial?  My personal opinion is that it should be an Olympic sport, just so I can have a gold medal. I digress...

My annual exam was today. with my regular OB/GYN.  Computer friends, you know what this means.  Yes.  The room was full of pregnant ladies and their kiddos.  I was ok at the beginning, handling everything (by squeezing my husband's hand to the point of no circulation, but who's judging).  Then this lady walked in with a newborn right as I was called back and I start to have a mini-meltdown.  The nurse thought I was crazy and left me with my husband to sort me out in my paper gown.  She was a new nurse, but I'm pretty sure the word infertile is in my chart and it wouldn't have hurt to actually read it.  Anyway, I start to tear up and what does my husband do?  He gives me a foot massage to distract me whilst I sit there sniffling in my paper gown.  It was the best foot massage I've ever had.  Be jealous, ladies.  Be jealous. 

My doctor actually asked if I wanted anything for birth control.  HA!  What's the point, man?  The likelihood of me getting pregnant (not to mention staying pregnant) seems to be as likely as angels flying out of a horse's ass.  Just sayin.

So after all that, my husband took me to get some wine.  He knows me so well. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hello there...

Hey y'all. I know it's been awhile since I've blogged, but you know..I've just been sort of blah.  Things are good, I've just been taking a much needed break from the world of Facespace, blogging and Twit.ter.  I just needed to clear my mind, but things seem a bit jumbled up still. 

I'm still waiting on autopsy results from my sister, so there are no definite answers there.  Why does it take so long for regular people, but celebrities get results in a week?  Husband and I are still in an apartment, much to my dismay.  We still have our same old cars, even more dismay for me.  Things are same shit, different day.  It's not necessarily a bad thing.

Lots of baby happenings around me, tho.  That'  I lie and say I'm happy and excited for my friends.  It's the socially acceptable thing to do, but if I'm being honest (and it's my blog, so I'm gonna be honest, yo) I don't care.  If it's not my baby, I don't care.  This is an improvement from last year, when I would've cried for days at pregnancy announcements.  See what I mean by things being jumbled up still?  Sigh. 

I'm back up in the stirrups on Wednesday for my annual exam.  I love my regular doctor and I'm sure things will be right as rain.  Maybe he can shove me in a direction as far as adoption agencies. 

So that's my update.  How are y'all?