Sunday, October 5, 2014

We did it!

We had our monthly checkup on Thursday morning.  Everything was fine, I measured on track and Cinco's heartbeat was in the 150s.  Nice and healthy.  My doctor always asks if I have any questions, so jumped in with how to stop an incompetent cervix from dilating, stuff like that.  He stopped halfway thru his answer and said "Why don't you stop waiting for the other shoe to drop?  You're going to have a baby, it's ok." Cinco chose that moment to give me a giant kick.  I guess I'll take that as a sign. I took my doctor's advice and we did this:

We bought the crib!  My heart was pounding, I was shaking and holding Husband's hand super tight throughout Ikea.  I only had a mild panic attack, with no tears.  I'm kind of proud of myself for that.  But there's a crib in my house, for my baby that's coming in 5-ish months, that was purchased with a mild freak out and no tears from me.  Do I get a gold star for this, guys?  I feel like I deserve a gold star. This is what the crib is supposed to look like, except for the green drawers since we got white ones:

We even picked out a dresser we want to use as a changing table, but we'll get that later.  One thing at a time, right?  I'm assuming that I haven't jinxed anything because I've felt Cinco move since buying the crib.  It's weird, like I have a coke can sized alien in my belly.  Weird, but cool at the same time. 

So that was our big deal for the week.  We find out what Cinco is on the 16th.  I'll be sure to keep you all up to date.  Xoxo, my loves.  I'm going to gaze at my crib in boxes, imagining it with a baby Weezy in it.


  1. You get TONS of gold stars as many as you want always

  2. ��⭐️⭐️��⭐️⭐️��

  3. You deserve all of the gold stars in the universe! How amazing is it to feel your baby move? It's pretty much one of the best things ever! I can not tell you enough how happy I am for you!

  4. Yay glad you were able to buy the crib with excitement instead of fear.
